Get Persons With Restrictions

We have seen how to Create, Get, and Update a ‘Person’ entity, but before we get around to the Delete operation, let’s take a quick look at some other simple things we can do with Get entity lists.

Each of the following bullet points can be expanded to show various ways that entities can be read, sorted and counted via a standardized set of URL suffixes. Remember to include the JWT and correct http verb in your requests when testing these operations in your test environment.

Get a count of 'Person' entities in the database
Get all 'Person' entities in the database ordered-by age
Get all 'Person' entities in the database ordered-by age descending
Get all 'Person' entities in the database ordered-by age descending with a selection offset of 1
Get all 'Person' entities in the database ordered-by age descending with a limit of 2
Get all 'Person' entities in the database with name like %qui%
Get all 'Person' entities in the database with age equal to 46