Let's Test Something

We have a running application, but what can we do with it? Clicking on the link at the end of the preceding section, did not yield a good looking response…

Jiffy services are best tested using an API test utility. If you have a tool that works for you, use that to follow along. If you don’t have a test utility, Google’s Postman is a great choice and that is what we are going to use for the rest of the quick-start.

Let’s make a quick list of things that we are going to do in order to test our new Person service.

  1. Login
  2. Create a new ‘Person’ entity
  3. Create another new ‘Person’ entity
  4. Read each ‘Person’ by their key (id)
  5. Read a list of ‘Person’ entities
  6. Update a ‘Person’ entity
  7. Create yet another new ‘Person’ entity
  8. See what options we can add to an entity request
  9. Delete an entity