Running Jiffy


In order to run the Jiffy application generator, ensure the following:

  1. Make sure Go has been installed in the test environment. See for installation files and instructions.

  2. Make sure that the Jiffy source code and dependencies have been installed.

  3. One of the supported databases is available, either locally or over the network.

  4. Jiffy can be started in two ways:

    • Using the binary installed by following the instructions located in the Jiffy Installation section of this documentation. This is the preferred method of execution.
        jiffy -m "/tmp/simpleSingleEntityModel.json" -p "/"
    • You may also execute the application directly from the Jiffy source code as follows.
        cd $GOPATH/src/
        go run main.go -m "/tmp/simpleSingleEntityModel.json" -p "/"

    We will discuss the flags and parameters in the following sections.